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Archive for the ‘Chatting’ Category

Family Vacation

Posted by thesinger on December 29, 2007

Yup, you guessed it. I’m on family vacation. Everybody is home; the house is filled with fun, laughter, food, and good times; and I haven’t done a stitch of work for the last 36 hours. What a life. It is just nice to be able to kick back once in a while and do absolutely nothing for a change. I love it.

Last night, we had our zenith experience of the Christmas season, (at least Ken Millers kids think so. . .) the tradition of giving gifts. (If that was the zenith, then it can only go down from here. . .) Before we actually unpacked our gifts, we listened to a story tape that was very influential in all of us kids’ childhood, Medieval Mom. One reason we did this instead of the typical Christmas story, was that Craig’s Gf was in attendance. We thought that we would HAVE TO share this little part of our family tradition with her. It was very enlightening for Ra to say the least. . .

Right now, we’re all sitting here in the living room; I’m listening to some trio’s by Haydn and posting, Floyd is drinking some warm beverage of some kind and reading the book he received for Christmas, Craig’s on his laptop doing who knows what (perhaps chatting with Ra?), Loyal is reading the latest cover article of Young Companion to Anja, (we’re all sortof listening in as the inspiration comes) Dad’s doing some random money things, and Mom is looking at the rules of a game called Up-Words, with the hopes of playing soon. So, I think that you are slowly getting the idea of our type of family vacation.

Our home phone ringer is turned off to facilitate more uninterrupted family time. This allows the answering machine to sing a recorded version of “Happy Holidays” to all perpetrators who are trying to interrupt our family time. Take that!!!!

Tonight we will use some gift certificates that some very kind people gave to our family to be used at Sirloin Stockade. Better yet, they will have all-you-can-eat barbecued steak. Yummmmmm!

I think you are beginning to understand why I like family vacations. The food, family, and fellowship are an unbeatable combination.


Posted in Blogging, Chatting, Family, Food, Good times, uber, Weekend | 8 Comments »

Random Chat with unknown “little one”

Posted by thesinger on December 3, 2007

me: so, I’m afraid it’s a little hard to chat “with” someone who doesn’t want to. So, peace out.
Austin: this is not who you think it is
me: that’s interesting.
8:58 PM would you divulge your name to one so humble as I?
Austin: nope
me: well, it was at least a good attempt. . .
8:59 PM :-/
Austin: oh yeah it really really was Mr. !
9:00 PM me: could you defend your position as a nobody if you decided you didn’t want to?
9:01 PM and really, I encourage you think deeply about the kind of intense pain you are putting me through.
Austin: ye thats not fair
9:02 PM me: Please defend, I pray, why you will not divulge your name to me?
9:03 PM Austin: why must you use such big words????
9:04 PM ??????? or don`t you know
me: Dear one, (because deep in my heart, I really do think you are dear) sometimes you must learn not to question why grownups do the things they do.
9:05 PM Austin: but you are not a grown up
me: Perhaps, you should adjust your heart more in line with mine; then, and only then (perhaps) you will tell me your name.
9:06 PM You question my age? my maturity? my feet?
9:07 PM Austin: perhaps in my heart I feel that right now secrecy is best
9:08 PM me: secrecy, my little child, rarely is a good thing.
Austin: and you question MY age? MY maturity?MY feet !
me: no, I don’t.
9:09 PM You simply are little.
Austin: oh is that so
me: yes, that is so.
9:10 PM Austin: subgect change
me: Does that surprise you, that me, in my age, my maturity, I do not miss even the smallest hint of immaturity.
9:11 PM Austin: ya
me: for instance, your spelling.
Austin: hey hey hey hey be nice!
9:12 PM me: Yes, little one, to be nice is good.
Austin: yah
then why dont you try it
me: I have learned that in my many years of existence, one must always be nice. Therefore, we will change the subject.
9:13 PM Who are you?
9:14 PM Austin: thats for me to now and for you to consider
oh wise man how do you spell consider
9:15 PM me: how shall consider it if I do not know who you are?
how should one spell it any better?
Austin: thank you
i am so smart
9:16 PM me: not so sure
Austin: this is lots of fun
me: Little one, please, do me the favor: Bore me no more.
9:17 PM The day has past and gone and your conversation is most soporific.
Would you?
Austin: count it as a blessing that i at least told you it isn`t Austin
9:18 PM you should thank me !
9:20 PM me: To be grateful is to be truly happy. Therefore, from the depths of my ankles, and the heights of Kansas, I thank you. You have so little idea how much that meant to me. Please, accept these humble thanks.
Austin: you talk way to much sir
9:21 PM me: Agreed.
My verbosity is most incredibly astounding.
9:22 PM Austin: put that in are language
me: our
9:23 PM Austin: i new that
i spelled that wrong
9:24 PM me: Well, to begin with, here is the definition of “verbose” which is the root of the word, verbosity. long-winded: using or containing too many words; “long-winded (or windy) speakers”; “verbose and ineffective instructional methods”
Austin: what
9:25 PM me: Then, I must define the word astounding: astonishing: so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; “such an enormous response was astonishing”; “an astounding achievement”; “the amount of money required was staggering”; “suffered a staggering defeat”; “the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying”
Austin: well I didn`t relize my our but i did know howto spell it
me: The next step is to combine the two meanings to make a logical thought or meaning of it.
9:26 PM Austin: Uh WOW (not really)
did you Know I am @
me: Therefore, my verbosity is shocking, striking.
Austin: Sorry 2
9:27 PM me: I’m afraid your meaning is not clear enough for me to understand it.
Austin: I am 2 in one
me: Would you kindly try to convey your meaning in words that I can understand?
9:28 PM That sentence strikes me as being impossible for mere human beings.
Could you try again?
9:30 PM Austin: This means in the Human striking that there is plianly not in motoin one lonley wounderful smart human being but in a shocking REAL WAY 2
9:31 PM do you understand now ?
we tried to talk like you as much as possible !!
9:33 PM me: I’m afraid that you have a long distance in the metaphorical world of words and pictures before you can emulate me as well as you would like to.
Austin: but we dont want to
9:35 PM me: Well, I’m afraid you have not communicated as well as you should have once more. You have just said, “we tried to talk like you as much as possible !!” So, you tried to emulate my speech, but you say you don’t want to. Could you explain yourself once more.
9:36 PM Austin: well we sadly(that`s not right) need to go !
9:37 PM guess who
me: “guess who” is peeling apples?
9:38 PM Austin: we need to go signed
me: have a peaceful existance, “nobody”
9:39 PM Austin: ok
this is monica and kelci
me: ok. That will be fine, my dear little ones.
May you rest well.
9:40 PM Austin: uh huh Bye Wise one !
I mever thought I would hear my self say that!!!!
Mever !!! NEVER !!!!!
9:41 PM by
me: Little ones, you will be hearing of this conversation more.
Austin: wow
i am glad you like us that much
9:42 PM me: I am glad as well.

And so, my fine and furry friends, here is a random chat I had with two silly “dear ones.” I hope my readership has enjoyed it as much as I have.


Posted in Chatting, Friends, Random | 8 Comments »