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life is a journey through a desert. John Miller

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Archive for the ‘Love and Romance’ Category

Box Social

Posted by thesinger on March 7, 2008

It was a good time. I estimate that there were about 16 boxes. (Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.) I purchased a green, square box approximately 10 inches per side. Because it was spring-themed, it was painted with yellow flowers and ornamented with “Hillary”, a three inch tall, green, and obese frog who held a Welcome Spring! sign. My motives for purchasing that box over others was simply that it was the cheapest one to be had. Logic (and my father) tells me that my father approves of “thrifty” sons who don’t waste his money.

Titus auctioneered and Justin was the official “holder of box while bidders bid” kind of person. The proceeds went to the Youth kitty. (Rumor has it she made a goodly sum of approx. $600. i.e. A very fat kitty.) The food in my box consisted of three subs, a relish plate, chocolate chip cookies, chips, and pudding. It was ample, and very tasty.

Afterwards, the majority of the group played an enjoyable and exhausting game of Human Dutch Blitz. My team, which consisted of Jewel, Karen, Micheal Y., Kenneth, and myself, lost miserably, but felt that were the best losers we knew how to be. 🙂

I have two pictures I would like to share, both of which came from other people’s cameras since I forgot to take mine. (Shem and shame were mine during this time of forgetfulness.) The committee forced all “couples” to take their picture together. (Loyal took this one) It’s of me, my newly purchased box, Hillary, and the maker of the box. (I will allow my readership to deduce whatever they will concerning the evident action of the maker of the box.)


The next picture has a more random touch to it, but is nevertheless pertinent (I’m not sure how). The primary reason for the picture is that the three of us, Danny, Kenneth, and myself, all wore orange shirts. I thought it was impressive that the three of us sat down together just because we could, and we were all wearing orange. (Small thrills, I know, but small minds must have something to occupy their minds.)

Photo credit:Heidi Mast

Most box socials have stress in some areas, and this one was no different. All stress aside, it was an enjoyable evening with an enjoyable group of homies.


Posted in Friends, Good times, Love and Romance, Stress, Youth Group | 4 Comments »

Make like a lover and “KISS THE WALL!!!!”

Posted by thesinger on January 14, 2008

It was pretty bad this evening at our first Messiah rehearsal. Neal told story after story after story after story after story after story (repeat ad nauseum). . . Then he would “very patiently” explain just exactly what we had done wrong. Then we would hear about his new weight loss program, or the way his son doesn’t know how to service a car, or how he’s dropping Mountain Dew from his diet. Then perhaps we would run a section of music. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. Peat and Repeat went up the hill. Peat fell down and who was left? Repeat. Correct. . .

And then you’re done with rehearsal and you didn’t get nearly as far as you think you could have.

Oh, you’re probably wondering what the kiss the wall part has to do with it. Well, it has to do with the shape of your lips as you sing. You are supposed to project your sound with pursed lips and attempt to “kiss the opposite wall with your lips.” This is especially true for basses, but also true for everybody. . . Is that lame or what?


Posted in Love and Romance, Music, News, Reno County Choral | 12 Comments »

Is he happy or what?

Posted by thesinger on December 19, 2007


words? why would you need words if you could have a picture?


Posted in Kids, Love and Romance, uber, Youth Group | 10 Comments »