Without love,

life is a journey through a desert. John Miller

  • Quote of the day.

    "Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy." Issac Newton
  • July 2007
    S M T W T F S

My Constipated/Tired Brain

Posted by thesinger on July 21, 2007

Yeah, I was just noticing how constipated my brain has become. I have not worked my brain very hard since school has let out. I think less and less of important issues in my life, mostly since the vast majority of my awake time is spent at Miller Seed Farms doing physical labor. Do I like the break from thinking and learning? Is it good for me? Is it right for my energies to be focused towards my work? I do realize that most of my life will be spent pursuing a living of some kind. How will I train myself to think even while I am focused on a different goal, the goal of survival. I don’t know this.

At the end of a hard day of work, my tired body/brain does not feel like taking time to think about hard-to-grasp ideas, personal “hot topics”, or church issues. Is this normal? Should it be this way? Is there a better way?

I have come to appreciate school because it’s an excellent way to force myself to think. But I only have one year of school left before I finish high school. I won’t be able to have school as my crutch forever and ever.

In conclusion, I will have to teach myself to think, even when most of my physical efforts will be devoted to surviving on this complicated earth. Could anyone out there who is older and wiser shed some light on this topic? I would appreciate any and all thoughts that you might have.


3 Responses to “My Constipated/Tired Brain”

  1. I’m not older or wiser, but I’d say to give your brain a laxative… But in all practicality, I’d recommend reading as much as possible.

  2. ra said

    hmmm…i suddenly became older yesterday; thus, much wiser. so i believe i have something to say. just what that is, though, i don’t know. however, looking back upon my long life, i would hasten to acknowledge that making a living consumes an obnoxious amount of your waking (or sleeping if possible) hours. thus; it is nice to –like, have a job that more or less works your brain. on the other hand, that is also limited in possibility of quantity. and so maybe i will defer to the “wiser” who posted a comment previous to my own…and agree with him that reading is a good thing. and agree as well with thesingerman himself…in that–possibly some personal effort will need to be a part of our lives…those of us who enjoy working the brain. so now…speaking of brains…i will use mine and go to bed. 🙂 peace…

  3. sheila said

    ok i am so much older and wiser here and here is your comment i told u that i’m gonna post!!:) ok that sentence rite there just made SO much sence!!lol cya!

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